Archives tagged: poppy

Capturing summer: the insects…

I am currently capturing summer in photographs (see here for more details).

Today is all about some of the beautiful insects I have come across on my walks. I start off with the bumble bees I met at the poppy patch:

Bumble bee landing on poppy


Bumble bee flying to poppy


Bumble bee flying to poppy


I was trying to take a photograph of this flower, but found that I was not the only one interested in it:

Bee flying towards the flower


I met this colourful bug sunbathing happily on these flowers:

Colourful bug sunbathing on the flowers


And I said hello to this wiggly caterpillar which reminded me of the very hungry caterpillar and made me smile:

The very hungry caterpillar says hello


Posted in Nature, Urban nature and also tagged , ,

Capturing summer

The bee and the poppies
I was out walking in the park yesterday and thought about how much I prefer summer to winter. Although it is a big part of it, the warmer weather isn???t the only reason. I think it is that everything seems so much brighter, so much more colourful and so much more alive in summer. I took out my camera and started to take pictures of everything I saw that made me smile. After a few hours, I found I had still not run out of things to capture.

I have decided that during this summer, I will take as many walks in parks and woods as I can manage and capture, in photographs, as much of the summer as I can. When the winter sets in and all seems dull, grey and dead, I will hopefully be able to find some joy in my little virtual summer.

Posted in Nature, Urban nature and also tagged , , ,