Experimenting on my nephew with a new flash setup.

Archives by category: Macro

Some bling!
This is going back a few months and another result of my ongoing ‘photograph housekeeping’. It is a section of a crystal lampshade I saw in a shop a few months ago.I hope you have a great day.

The great skittle shoot
I was speaking to my friend yesterday and she told me that she had noticed a significant improvement in her hay fever symptoms after she cut out ???E??? numbers from her diet.I have decided to try this out myself. I started to clear out my secret stashes of goodies this morning and took this photo of some skittles I had hidden away. I am really going to miss them!

The lady in red
This is my way of saying sorry for being away for so long.??I am going to do better going forwards.
I have missed being here to share my world with you.
My rose bud is slowly changing into a lovely rose. This and the lovely warm weather outside have put a smile on my face.
I hope it does the same for you.

The ladybirds
I came across these ladybirds enjoying the autumn sun on a wooden post. I watched for a while as they practiced stretching out their wings and then tucking them in again. It reminded me of automated convertible cars lowering and raising their roofs.
They were all still there an hour or so later when I was heading back – the little posers!